ComponentsEdgesAnimated SVG Edge

Animated SVG Edge

An edge that animates a custom SVG element along the edge’s path. This component is based on the animating SVG elements example.



Make sure to follow the prerequisites before installing the component.

npx shadcn@latest add

Custom shapes

It is intended that you add your own SVG shapes to the module. Each shape should be a React component that takes one prop, animateMotionProps, and returns some SVG.

You can define these shapes in a separate file or in the same file as the edge component. In order to use them, you need to add them to the shapes record like so:

const shapes = {
  box: ({ animateMotionProps }) => (
    <rect width="5" height="5" fill="#ff0073">
      <animateMotion {...animateMotionProps} />
} satisfies Record<string, AnimatedSvg>;

The keys of the shapes record are valid values for the shape field of the edge’s data:

const initialEdges = [
    // ...
    type: "animatedSvgEdge",
    data: {
      duration: 2,
      shape: "box",
  } satisfies AnimatedSvgEdge,

If you want to render regular HTML elements, be sure to wrap them in an SVG <foreignObject /> element. Make sure to give the <foreignObject /> an id attribute and use that as the href attribute when rendering the <animateMotion /> element.